Vallejo – USAF Colors “Gray Schemes” From 70’s to Present
Set of 8 Model Air colours in 17 ml. for painting the low visibility grey colour schemes (“Hill”, “Mod Eagle”, “Ghost”, etc.) of the USAF aircraft from the seventies to the present.
FS36231: Interior cockpit colour in the USAF fighters (F-4, F-15, F-16, etc.). FS36118: Colour scheme “Ferris”, Egypt” and “Hill”. Combined with FS36270/36320/ 36375. Example aircraft F-4G, A-10C, F-16C. FS36176: Colour schemes “Mod Eagle” and “Ghost”. Combined with FS36251/36375. Example aircraft F-15C, F-22A. FS36251: Colour scheme “Mod Eagle” and “Ghost”. Combined with FS36176/36375. Example aircraft F-15C, F-22A. FS36270: Colour scheme “Egypt” and “Hill”. Combined with FS 36118/36375. Example aircraft F-4G, F-16C. FS36320: Colour scheme “Ghost” and “Hill”. Combined with FS 36118/36375. Example aircraft : A-10C, F-15C. FS36375: Colour scheme “Ghost”, “Egypt”, “Hill”, Ferris” and “Mod Eagle”. Combined with FS36118/36176/36251/36270/36320. See example aircraft: F-15C, A-10C, F-16C, F-22A.FS36495: Colour scheme “Ghost “ First models F/A-18’s. Also colour scheme “Flipper” (A-10A) and Agressor “MIG-29” (F-16).