Vought F4U-1 Corsair - Birdcages Part 1

Vought F4U-1 Corsair – Birdcages Part 1

Availability: Out of stock

sku: BC48153


1/48 Scale – Barracuda Cal – Vought F4U-1 Corsair – Birdcages Part 1

F4U-1 Corsair. Bu. No 02576. “Marines Dream”
VMF-222. Pilot varied day to day. Bougainville on December 11th,1943.
Edwin Lawrence Olander claimed a zero kill in this aircraft on 17 October 1943. Total score 5 kills, 4 probables. Overturned in a ditch, Torokina field on Bougainville on December 11th,1943. Written off 2 days later andtripped for parts. Our interpretation of this controversial scheme: Painted in Blue Gray (FS35189) over Light Gray (FS36440) with much patching and repainting. Wings patched in field mixed dark blue or Non Spec. Sea Blue, which may have also been applied to tailplanes to cover heavily sand blasted leading edges. Note pinup girl appears to be a dark skinned island girl, although a fair skinned alternate is supplied. Aircraft is heavily weathered and fuel stained. Mismatched tires. Spinner dark, possibly black?

F4U-1 Corsair. Bu no. unknown. “Tojo Eats Shit!”
VMF-222. Pilot unknown. Munda Airfield, New Georgia. Solomon Islands.
Painted in Blue Gray (FS35189) over Light Gray (FS36440). Extremely heavily stained, faded, worn and patched. Leading edges of wings and fuel tank areas on upperwings in field mixed dark blue or Non Specular Sea Blue. White circular patches over gun ports. Prop appears new with silver hub and black blades with yellow tips. Mismatched plain/block tread tires. No external stores or racks fitted. No fuel tank sealing tape is apparent.

F4U-1 Birdcage Corsair. Bu no. 02310. “VIVA!”
VMF-124. Flown by 2nd Lt Kenneth Ambrose Walsh. Henderson
Field, Guadalcanal 28 May 1943
Walsh became the first Corsair ace on 13 May 1943 when he shot down 3 Zekes and damaged a 4th. White 13 was painted in Blue Gray (FS35189) over Light Gray (FS36440). Viva displayed heavy dirt and fuel streaks, and moderate paint chipping on the forward portion of the wing roots. Silver prop hub.

F4U-1 Corsair. Bu no. 03821 “White 485”
OTU VF-4. Flown by pilots in their final phase of training before joining the Fleet. NAS Jacksonville, Florida February 1945 Returned from service in the South Pacific after later versions of the Corsair reached the war zone. Refurbished and repainted in Glossy Dark Sea Blue (FS15042), these Corsairswere then assigned to stateside Operational Training Units. Exact Bu No of this Corsair is unknown, but 03821 did serve with OTU VF-4 at NAS Jacksonville at the time photos were taken. Wheel hubs, gearbays GSB, mismatched tires (plain, ribbed). Silver prop hub. Note short fwd mast and second mast on rear spine. Tall tailwheel.

F4U-1 Corsair. Bu No. “Dangerous Dan – EightBall”
VMF-213. Pilot varied day to day. Guadalcanal. Solomon Islands. June,1943.
Painted in Blue Gray (FS35189) over Light Gray (FS36440), with moderate dirt, wear and staining and wing root chipping. Wheel hubs of other aircraft in the squadron are Blue Gray. Silver prop hub.

F4U-1 Corsair. Bu No.02386. “Ramblin Wreck”
VMF-121. Espiritu Santo on May 8th, 1944.
In the one known photo. 02386 was a War-Weary Corsair, slated to be returned to the US for refurbishment and re-assignment to the Training Command. Painted in a field modified 3 tone scheme of Non-Spec Sea Blue (FS 35042), Intermediate Blue (35164),over existing Light Grey (or possibly new painted white) undersurfaces. Note cowl panel with noseart salvaged from Marine’s Dream. Silver prop hub.

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