Canadian MBT Leopard C2 Mexas w/Dozer Blade

Canadian MBT Leopard C2 Mexas w/Dozer Blade

Availability: 1 in stock

sku: TS-041



1/35 Scale – Meng – Canadian MBT Leopard C2 Mexas w/Dozer Blade

Canada started to upgrade their Leopard C1 tanks to the Leopard C2 standard since the year 2000. The main upgrade was to fit the Leopard 1A5 turrets bought from the German Federal Ministry of Defence on the original Leopard C1 chassis. Other improvements included the installation of a thermal imager and the EMES 18 fire-control system. In 2006, the upgraded Leopard C2 tanks which were equipped with the MEXAS appliqué modular armor system joined the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. The concept of this armor system was quite advanced when it appeared in the 1990s. Its composite armor can protect against kinetic energy and chemical energy penetrators.

This MENG TS-041 Canadian Main Battle Tank Leopard C2 MEXAS w/Dozer Blade plastic model kit has a total of 500 parts. The finished model will be 270.2mm and 86.5mm high. This kit includes movable suspension, one-piece TPE tracks, clear light and periscope parts, and fine PE parts. The dozer blade is liftable and lowerable. Details under add-on armor are completely replicated.

During the development of this kit, we have received a lot of reference materials from the Canadian military specialist Mr. Anthony Sewards. He also took part in reviewing the kit design. Anthony Sewards served with the Canadian Military for over 26 years. Serving with the Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians). Anthony has served on 7 operational tours in the Middle East, Bosnia and multiple combat tours in Afghanistan commanding Leopard Tanks on combat operations. Now retired and has authored photo assistant books on Canadian Leopard tanks and the Canadian Leopard Project DVD reference series on the Canadian Leopard tanks in service, and is an international consultant to model companies. With his help, this MENG product has become better and more accurate.

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